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Sales of over 144 vehicle models limited or cancelled by the new WLTP regulation

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Sales of over 144 vehicle models limited or cancelled by the new WLTP regulation

The new WLTP regulation on emissions brings changes to production plants

On 1 September, the new WLTP (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure) regulation on emissions came into force in the European Union, causing cancellations or limitations in sales of over 144 models at dealers. The main difference lies in the fact that longer and more reliable tests are applied during actual driving for calculation of emissions. A total of 66 models have been taken off the market pending WLTP approval.

This change of regulation has caused major changes at brand vehicle production plants, with shutdowns having to be scheduled in order to be able to adapt their facilities and assembly processes to the WLTP. Before the summer, Volkswagen was already planning production shutdowns at its German plant in order to adapt its vehicles to the new regulation.

Pick To Light technology offers flexibility and speed when it comes to making changes in the plants that produce all the brands that are being affected. We facilitate changes to the kitting, assembling, cell production areas, etc. providing efficiency.

At Pick To Light Systems we are already WLTP-compliant. Need some help?
Pick To Light Systems, Your Efficiency, Our Guiding Light.

More information at: https://www.hibridosyelectricos.com/

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