DBG Logistica
DBG Logistica decided to optimize its logistics, which is part of its business model
The operator DBG Logistica identified the need to optimize their logistics to achieve greater cost competitiveness and a better customer service, with higher quality and efficiency.
Project developed for DBG Logistica
DBG Logistics, based in Mondragón (Guipuzcoa) property of Import Arrasate and TKV, born to serve two reference customers: Import Arrasate, a company dedicated to designing, manufacturing and commercialization of sports clothing for Astore, Ternua and Doire brands; and Alfa Hogar, the commercial firm of sewing machines and household items of high quality.
Pick To Light Systems supported replacement in the picking with Pick By Light technology. This system helps to prevent errors, leading to improve productivity. It is in the picking area where Pick To Light Systems has collaborated with ULMA to develop a full automation project for DBG Logistics.
This project represents a step forward in working conditions; also minimizing error rates and increasing productivity, all of which constitute the base for continue growing.