The speed and accuracy set the logistic management of Fujifilm company
With more than 70 years of experience in the development of the image, the company FUJIFILM is one of the leaders in conventional and digital photography. The company modernized its facilities in Barcelona (Spain) by implementing a modern and automated order picking system, which has a capacity to operate with over 2,500 references.
Project developed for Fujifilm
In order to ensure better speed and accuracy in logistics management of Fujifilm, Pick to Light Systems, in collaboration with ULMA Handling Systems, the company has installed a lighting system (Digital Picking Systems) in the order picking of its warehouse.
Pick to Light technology ensures the necessary accuracy in order picking through LED lights and displays that allows the operator know intuitively the location and exact amount of the operation to perform. The high productivity obtained eliminating picking lists and on-line control of the picking are two of the many characteristics that support the use of this product.
The new system ensures, therefore, to FUJIFILM and its customers, an order accuracy while improving productivity and delivery, all initial objectives in the design of an automatic solution.