Nationale Loterij
Nationale loterij has increase their capacity preparing orders to 6,000 order lines per day
Pick To Light Systems has developed with Alvey a project for the Nationale Loterij in Belgium, aimed to improve the order-picking system.
Project developed for Nationale Loterij
The aim of the project has been guaranteeing the optimization of the distribution of lottery tickets to more than 6,000 points of sale. In total, the new order picking systems has 300 Pick To Light displays.
The belgian Nationale Loterij works with cardboard trays with cover, which are filled with lottery tickets, being their dimension 300 x 220 x 110 mm
Since launching the project, the Nationale Loterij has increase their productivity preparing orders. Nowadays, they have the capacity to prepare 6,000 order lines daily and to stock 250 units per hour.